BSa703-Being a Producer-Research

 My main duties as a film producers are:

To develop and maintain industry contacts

Work on source material

Hire creative team and director

Raise money

Move from idea to film


Hiring the creative team

Principal casting

Pitch Package

Planning of Production


Point of contact for day-top-day operations

Assisting the director and creative team

Business, financial and logistical decisions

Approving changes and troubleshooting


Editing, visual effects, soundtrack

Additional funding

Marketing and Promotion


selling the finished product

Marketing, cast appearances, festivals and competitions

National and international distribution

Release schedule

I am working as every single type of producer apart from executive producer. Therefore I have many roles in which I will be undertaking along this production. 

  • Assist the executive producer
  • Supervise unit production manager and physical production process
  • Work on creation and tracking of budget and schedules
  • Assist EP with hiring of talent
  • Development from idea to screenplay to script
  • Supervision of creative process
  • Assist the executive producer
  • Supervise other producers
  • Concept development, scripting, final quality control
  • Raising funds and budgeting
  • Recruiting talent and making casting decisions
  • Guiding and supervising crew members or other producers
  • Assist the executive producer
  • Oversee project stages
  • Supervise production or other producers
  • Provide value to the project through finances, attachment, equipment, services, or other benefits
  • Coordinate the work of other producers
  • Assist all producers or production teams
  • Manage the production process
  • Ensure a unified result of the production
  • Typically below-the-line production and assistance
  • Television producer: the AP might assist with shot selections, preparing the shooting script, and guiding the content
  • Contributing to the production
  • Various duties
  • Contribute to the production according to experience
  • Writing and shooting script contributions
  • Assisting in TV production
  • Ensuring the right tone and feel of a television show or production
  • Supervision of production for one or more segments of a multi-segment production
  • Oversee or assist other producers
  • Quality control and consistency
  • Ensure segments fit smoothly together
  • Supervising field production
  • Assist the executive producer in the field / on location
  • Oversee segments outside the studio
  • Quality control
